
Hideaway Desk

If you are interested in building one yourself, here is the paypal link to purchase the plans for the “Hideaway Desk” in PDF format – letter sized paper for $0.99 (after completing the purchase on paypal, you will be directed to a Google drive, where you can download the PDF. )

$0.99 USD – Plans “Hideaway Desk” Digital Download (approximately 1 MB)

“In 2022, I build a desk that folds against the wall using wood taken from the trash. I live in a small Brooklyn apartment with thin walls and and neighbors that I respect so the indoor use of loud power tools was out of the question. I couldn’t just do my work on the street outside my apartment as there is heavy pedestrian traffic and lots of open windows. Luckily, the Brooklyn Queens Expressway was only a block away.

I performed most of the cutting under the Expressway where it was already very noisy and had little pedestrian traffic. I used a battery powered router, circular saw, random orbit sander, and drill. There are no nails, brads, or staples in this as I tried to avoid any hammering while assembling it in my studio. My 12v drill is pretty quiet so I could use that indoors.

This project took my about 4 months to build (1 month to design, 2 months of fabricating, 1 month of sanding, staining, varnishing, and allowing to cure). I can’t see a way to build these and sell them to people unless I charged enough money to quit my job as a senior engineer and open a proper workshop.

If anyone want’s to produce a TV show where I build this kinda thing I would be down, by the way. I mean, that show has already been done. It’s The New Yankee Workshop with Norm Abram. If you want to learn how to build stuff like this properly, you should watch his show (which is available for free on youtube, as of writing this).

I initially gave out the plans to this desk for free but I now receive too many requests to continue the practice of copying everyone’s email address into a BCC. I am now asking for $0.99 for a link to download the PDF.”

-Seth Harris

Here are additional links with more information about constructing the Hideaway Desk (these are free)

Click here for a hardware overview

Click here to see the PDF hinge guide